
SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENTS (subject to change)


October 9

October 16

  • Harsha Walia, ‘What is Border Imperialism?’ (p26-50 of the PDF)
  • Alejandra Mejia, ‘My Family’s Journey
  • Suyapa Portillo Villeda and Gerardo Torres Zelaya, “Why Are Honduran Children Leaving?’
  • Initial Topic Proposal Due – please write a 4-5 sentence description of your initial topic proposal. Clarify what specific object/primary sources you want to consider, what the historical and geographic scope will be, and discuss what type of analysis you want to do. Submit to canvas. You will present and discuss in class.


October 23


October 30

  • Lecture on evaluating sources in library search
  • Fatima El-Tayeb, ‘Secular Submissions: Muslim Europeans, Female Bodies, and Performative Politics’ [Also available for direct reading on the library website – chapter 3 of EUROPEAN OTHERS]
  • Detailed Outline and Source List Due:Please upload a detailed outline for your paper and a list of sources to Canvas.For the outline: Include a provisional idea of your thesis, which will discuss your object/primary source and explain what you want to analyze about it, what its larger significance is, and how it connects to broader themes about migration, race, gender, colonialism, etc. There should be a clear breakdown of the supporting paragraphs, including historical/geographic context you may wish to offer, your approach/method, analysis of the object at hand, discussions of relevant theories and how other scholars have approached the issue, and a conclusion. For each paragraph, give a sense of what the subclaim might be and what part of your object you will be highlighting.

    For the source list: You must at this point have at least 1 primary source and at least 4 strong secondary sources that you have identified independent of the course readings. The secondary sources should be academic sources rather than websites, magazines, films, etc.



Nov 6

  • Individual meetings with Neel
  • Complete the first page of writing for your first draft


Nov 13

  • Draft #1 due
  • Edit session with writing group


Nov 20

  • Individual meetings with Neel


Nov 27 – No class

Dec 4

  • Draft #2 due
  • Course conclusion and final paper presentations


Dec 18

  • Final research paper due